This Poem From An Inmate Blew Me Away

My last post recounted a trip to Handlon Correctional Facility, where I met with 14 prisoners who had read my book, FRAMES: a picture of death, drugs, and forgiveness.

The discussion was rich but some of them were quiet, so I suggested at the end that anyone who wanted to write down their thoughts about the book should do so.

I never expected this.

The following is a poem one of the men sent to me through the people who run the book club I visited. Even if you haven't read FRAMES, I think you'll catch that the sheer number of details he includes is astounding. The moments that spoke to him appear throughout, and he wraps up with what I know from our discussion had hit him the hardest: that Kevin was told he had done a good job. Everyone needs to hear that, he said, and when they do, they can move on.

Mr. Williams: You, too, have done a good job. One that blows me away.

Catch a recent radio interview with Amy here. Purchase FRAMES here. Visit our facebook page here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. That is an amazing rap! Thanks, Amy, for sharing this.

  4. this is simply tremendous. thank you both so much for your voices.


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