No Tears

At the start of the Insanity: The Asylum DVDs, a disclaimer rolls up the screen, something along the lines of this:

You should not exercise at a level beyond which you feel comfortable.
If at any time you feel you are exercising beyond your current fitness capabilities, discontinue the exercise immediately, and reconsider your use of this routine in particular.

And I think to myself: But isn't that the point?

They need those warnings in place to avoid getting sued. But the whole point of the workout I did yesterday was to push the limits of comfort, both physical and mental. Had I followed the disclaimer, I'd have been on the couch at minute two. That's no exaggeration; I'm not one for suffering, despite my current pursuit of boxing. If you told me today I had cancer, there'd be no courageous battle with it--I'd be dead by tomorrow.

It took a day of limping around and shaking my head as I tried to tell people about The Asylum. No words came, just the shaking and the limping. I was convinced I had failed to fully perform the speed and agility workout. And then it hit me: total failure is what was asked. Doing each exercise over two, three minutes--failing, picking up again, failing. I did what was required.

Today was Strength. My strong point, as it were. Much more manageable, though a significant challenge. The arms, back and glutes are burning. But no tears today.

After day one, my husband sympathized, and suggested I start back at P90x. To which I replied: Who says I'm quitting?


  1. I asked our 'Y' Fitness director if we could buy the video! No answer yet.

  2. Fitness people need to know--and experience--what's out there. We're always getting people quoting Biggest Loser, which I've only seen a few times, and I feel out of touch.

    Crazy Shaun T exercise of the day: frog jump; land, thrust back into a one-legged plank. Pretty fun, actually.


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