Mistakes I Made This Past Week

1. Bought shorts as school clothes just before the weather turned

2. Took kids to wrong bus stop on first day of school

3. Walked around husband's staff party with toilet paper hanging off my pants


  1. Woops, typo. This post should be titled "ADVENTURES I had this past week."

    You're welcome! :)

  2. I don't know which one I love more! And I agree with Lisa, these are definitely adventures! Isn't life grand! :)

  3. Yeah, it's all "ha ha" now, but man, was that last one embarrassing. I can live without those sorts of adventures... C'mon, tell me someone else has had something similar? Yes?

  4. Er, back a hunnert years ago I tucked my skirt into my pantyhose at church. (I don't wear pantyhose any more!)


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