This Way and That

Yesterday I led an 81-year-old man through an orientation on nautilus machines. Later that night, I hung out at a boxing gym and got to know a 16-year-old boy whose world is very different from mine.

Today I interviewed a woman in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for an article I'm writing. Tonight, I'll attend curriculum night at my kid's school.

Later this week, I'll lead a fitness class, and on Sunday I'll start some former prisoners talking about their next play, which I'll write and direct. Today I revel in the variety of jobs I do, yet there have been moments when I wished I had, at some point, specialized in a subject area. I wonder if my inability to settle derives from my childhood growing up between two homes, and if there are aspects which are unhealthy. Today, however, I will be thankful for the diverse people I meet, and grateful for the work I have to do.


  1. sounds practically perfect (like Mary Poppins.....or not.)

  2. what an insightful look at your having developed diverse interests; perhaps this word could describe it: plen·i·tude [plen-i-tood, -tyood] noun 1.fullness or adequacy in quantity, measure, or degree; abundance: a plenitude of food, air, and sunlight. 2.state of being full or complete.


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