Even In The Darkest Place [video]

Click over there on "prison theatre" for the back story on Even In The Darkest Place, a reading by former prisoners. I wrote--arranged, really, as these are all their words--and directed.

The videos are now online. Unfortunately, this isn't the original script, as one of the gentleman relapsed and went back to jail for a time. I cut out and/or delegated his lines for this particular performance.

A bit of a time commitment for you, but the stories are powerful. And true. Wait and see.

Find more on the "inside" church these men came from at http://www.celebrationfellowshipcrc.com/.


  1. "sitting on a couch. need i say more?"

    a bit of levity there. very powerful. i appreciate that they stated their sentences at the end.

    thanks for the work you do, helping them find their voices and share them.

  2. So you went all the way to the surprise bit. Thanks. The idea there was that you grow to empathize with them, and then when you hear their crimes, you have to reconcile with yourself how you feel toward this person.

    The couch line belonged to the guy who went back to jail. We love that line. And him--he was back with the grout this week, and it was great to see him.


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