Books I Read This Year: 2013

Roughly 22 books read this year. I was busy. Here's the rundown: MORBIDITY Bough Down : David Foster Wallace died. Say Her Name : his wife drowned. Proof of Heaven : he died but came back to life. The Obituary Writer , you see what I'm getting at: it just happened this way. I was not looking to read frequently about death. Neil Gaiman's The Ocean At The End of the Lane was pretty dark, as well. And We Need To Talk About Kevin , my god; excellent writing, awful subject. TO COUNTER THIS, I PRESENT TO YOU MISTER ROGERS If you're feeling bad about yourself, two people: Mother Teresa and Mister Rogers. Mother Teresa soldiered through so much suffering you'll slap yourself for all your disgusting self-pity. Mister Rogers will stand you upright again, hold you against that red sweater and tell you how special you are. I'm Proud Of You by Tim Madigan is not the best book about Mister Rogers, but the stories relayed inside will buoy you. I can't get t...